Church Chat [Ecclesiology]
Church cultures and the danger of complacency
(Old Facebook Post – Revised)“The Dangerous Side of Success.” This article by John Johnson is a supe..
“What grace alone can do” — J.S. Coffman
(Old Facebook Post – Revised)Here’s an interesting quote for historical and theological reflection, ..
Coffman and the origin of 7 ordinances
(Old Facebook Post) Apparently the traditional 7 Mennonite ordinances go back one step earlier than ..
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
Do you “believe into” Jesus?
(Old Facebook Post) Do you really believe in Jesus? Do you “believe into” him? This blog..
Seeing the face of God
(Old Facebook Post) Reflections on Jacob’s encounter’s with God and Esau in Genesis 32-3..
On scanning Mennonite confessions of faith
I’m scanning some Mennonite confessions of faith and booklets of instruction for new Christia..
“Ran… embraced… kissed”
(Old Facebook Post–Revised) Compare Luke 15:20 with Genesis 33:4. The father in the Prodigal S..
Wisdom versus revelation – James 1:5
(Old Facebook Post) Wisdom is the God-given ability to make decisions when faced with complex situat..
Jonah and superficial repentance
(Old Facebook Post) Those of you who studied Jonah in Sunday School today may especially be interest..
On taking God’s name in vain
(Old Facebook Post) “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” (Exodus 2..