Church Leadership: Shepherds, Sheep, and the Good Shepherd
I gave the sermon (or "teaching," as we sometimes call it) at our church a couple Sundays ago. The s..
Church Chat [Ecclesiology]
Why Should You Care about Cities? (3/3)
Who you are depends largely on who you have been with. And most of what you know you have learned fr..
Why Should You Care about Cities? (2/3)
Where can you serve God most strategically? This is not always an easy question to answer. There are..
Articles of Church Membership
When you think about “church”, do you think about “a” church or “the..
125 Years of Seven Ordinances — Rough Draft
When a baby is born at 10 months, we don’t usually call it premature. When a writer has been p..
Prayers for Conservative Anabaptist Churches
Several discussions lately have reminded me of deep, ongoing needs within our conservative Anabaptis..
Tradition in the NT (2): Good Examples
[For the first post in this series, see: “Tradition in the NT (1): Bad Examples.”] ̶..
Tradition in the NT (1): Bad Examples
[For the sequel to this post, see “Tradition in the NT (2): Good Examples.”]“I don’t have much Scrip..
Clarifications about Removing Church Traditions
My recent posts prompted a couple questions that I want to answer briefly here. Both are good questi..
Thinking Intentionally about Tradition and Change
Well, it’s no surprise: The topic of church standards and traditions gets conservative Anabaptists f..