Churchfunding: 2017 Year-End Report
Since our “churchfunding” house loan was a public adventure, I want to give public updates from time..
Dwight's Family
Easter Graces in Atlanta
Today was a busy, grace-filled day. Tonight, as darkness settles onto our neighborhood, I feel tired..
Churchfunding: 2016 Year-End Report
I thought it would be fitting to give a brief year-end report on our house loan repayments. “Fitting..
Churchfunding Update 11: We Bought a House!
Thanks to God, and thanks to the kind help of God’s people—and that is not mere pious, flowery verbi..
Churchfunding Update 10: We Might Have a House!
I’ve been too busy house hunting lately to blog! But it’s high time for a brief update.In short, we ..
Churchfunding Update 9: An Answer to Special Prayer?
On the morning of February 16 I sent out an “invitation to special prayer” regarding our..
Churchfunding Update 8: An Invitation to Special Prayer
We invite friends near and far to join us in special prayer over the next week, asking God to lead u..
Churchfunding Update 7: Funds Ready, Waiting on House ($69,635)
I deposited a stack of your checks yesterday morning! We have now received over $50,000 of your pled..
Churchfunding Update 6: Time to Send Your Pledges–Here’s How ($65,895)
Friends, it is with deep gratitude that I announce that we are now ready for you to send in the loan..
Churchfunding Update 5: Almost Ready for Your Pledges! ($60,995)
Hi friends! This is a very short announcement for you who have pledged loans and gifts to help us bu..