Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
Why Should You Care about Cities? (1/3)
Thanks to God’s unpredictable providence, cities have found a special place in my heart. While..
Do Non-Christian Jews and Christians Worship the Same God?
Last night I was listening to some US history lectures from The Teaching Company as I drove home thr..
Arminians, Calvinists, and Two Theological Terms Worth Chucking
There are real theological differences, and then there are ways we just talk past each other. In thi..
The Arts, Biblical Theology, and Proof I’m Not a Complete Philistine
My last post generated some helpful feedback about the place of the arts in the Christian life. In t..
Remember the Resurrection, to Keep it Central
Thursday is an excellent day to remember Christ’s resurrection! “The Resurrection chang..
In the Presence of Older Theologians
On Monday and Tuesday this week I had the pleasure of sitting for hours on end discussing theology w..
Unfinished Thoughts for Your Improvement
Franz Schubert wrote a beautiful piece of music that we call the Unfinished Symphony. It is called u..
What I Learned at AIC 2015 about How To Use the Bible
This past weekend I was blessed to attend most of the Anabaptist Identity Conference, held this year..
The Love of Christ Controls Us
My Sunday post about Sabbath and the Lord’s Day went viral. Okay, I’m speaking in relati..
Anabaptists, Flat Bibles, and the Sabbath
When I was a teenager, on many a weekend we youth from our small church drove for 3-1/2 hours to spe..