Thanks for enjoying Dwight Gingrich Online! It's my goal to offer all content here freely for all visitors, because sometimes those who need biblical teaching and spiritual counsel most can least afford to pay for it.

Keeping DGO live involves significant expense, however. Hosting costs alone will be several hundred dollars per year going forward. A much greater expense is the time invested in study and writing. Our local church generously donated $2000 to cover the one-time cost of the 2024 rebuild of this website and one year of hosting. I'm grateful for that affirmation. Now I'm inviting DGO visitors to provide ongoing support.

Here's my two-fold invitation: 

  1. Please use this website as much as you wish without giving. I've freely benefited from thousands of hours of input from other websites. While there is nothing wrong with a patron system where some blog content is reserved for paying subscribers (if I write a book I expect to sell it), that is not the blogging model that resonates with me. I don't aim to preach the word of God for financial gain (2 Cor. 2:17;  1 Thess. 2:5, 9) and many other worthy causes await your support.
  2. If you have financial resources and believe the content on DGO is a blessing to Jesus' church, I invite your support, either through a one-time gift or ongoing donations. Your gift will bless other readers--youth hungry for clarity, those who find my blog when their marriages are in crisis, pastors on tight budgets, and more. Your gift will help support our family. Your gift may also help me finish the essay and book projects in my dreams.

Thanks for your prayers and your partnership in the gospel!

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Dwight Gingrich Online
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“God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work... Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Cor. 9:8, 15)


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Samaritan Ministries

We've been satisfied members of Samaritan Ministries since 2006. If you decide to join, mention "Dwight and Zonya Gingrich" and we'll receive a discount. Thanks to you who have already done this!