Church Leadership: Shepherds, Sheep, and the Good Shepherd
Church Chat [Ecclesiology]
“Worshiping and Imitating Our Servant King” (Sermon)
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
Who Is Lording Over Whom? (Matthew 20:25)
Guest Post
The Higher Calling: The Church, Jesus’ Rival Nation, God’s Kingdom (Guest Post from Sattler College)
Book Reviews
The Church of Christ — Ferguson (3): What Is the Church?
Prayers for Conservative Anabaptist Churches
“Christian Atheists” – Guest Post by Frank Reed
When the Church Was a Family — Hellerman (Review)
Ecclesiology of the Reformers (6): William Tyndale
Ecclesiology of the Reformers (4): John Calvin
Ecclesiology of the Reformers (2): Martin Luther
Giving To and Through the Church (Part 3)
Should You Desire to Be an Elder?
On motivating Christians to holy living
“What I learned in seminary” — a list for pastors
“Creating a Reading Culture in Your Church”
On pragmatism and biblicism
The goal of gospel contextualization
On the danger of turning norms into absolutes
Church cultures and the danger of complacency