(Old Facebook Post – Revised)

Let me recommend these sermons on Deuteronomy. (Find HDT Deuteronomy 2007, Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3, by doing a search for the preacher “Paul Barker” and the book “Deuteronomy.”)

If you want to understand the big story of the whole Bible well, and only have time to seriously examine 4 or 5 Old Testament books, Deuteronomy should probably be one you include in your study. It basically summarizes or predicts everything crucial from Moses to Malachi. In other words, most of the rest of the OT is commentary on and contemporary application of Deuteronomy. Plus, it clearly foretells Christ and his heart-changing work!

Paul Barker is an Australian Anglican who did his PhD thesis on Deuteronomy, and his sermons are models of how to present insightful scholarship in a very understandable form, as preaching that convicts. If you listen, notice also how he demonstrates Christian application of OT Law and how he continually and authentically traces the connection from the text at hand to Christ. God, give us more able and faithful preachers of your Word!