Hi friends!

Welcome to Dwight Gingrich Online. (Special thanks to those of you who have been enduring my countdown on Facebook.)

For a while I’ve been wanting a better venue for saving and sharing my reflections about biblical interpretation and the Church. Most of these thoughts have been either buried in computer files or lost to the depths of Facebook history. Sometimes this has been a great blessing! 🙂 But other times someone asks me for my advice about something (such as Bible translations), or I remember that I wrote something somewhere on a given topic… and then I have to go digging.

So, early in 2014, I decided this would be a good year to start a website. With my wife’s encouragement and patience, and with God’s blessing,1 this goal is now becoming a reality. I chose to launch this website today on my 40th birthday–hoping I’m still young enough to manage a website and finally old enough to have one or two things worth saying. So here, for what they’re worth, are my scattered thoughts in a searchable format.

The content on this website is delivered in two main ways:

  1. Blog posts: These are the posts (such as this one) that you will see when you first arrive at DGO. To get readers started, I’ve re-posted 50 of my most useful old Facebook posts (2009-12). I hope to add more old posts (2013-14) in coming weeks. New posts will be added sporadically, with a couple new posts appearing, God willing, every day, week, or month–as frequently as I think I have something worth sharing.
  2. Web pages: The main menu at the top of the page lists some of the most important material that I’ve either written or enjoyed from others–things that I want easily accessible. I don’t want DGO to be just a blog. I’ve already been “blogging” on Facebook. Rather, I want DGO to be a resource center with content that isn’t buried as soon as a new post appears.

While I hope not to spend too much time dialoguing in comments threads, I do invite your feedback.2 Growth usually happens best in the context of relationships. Most importantly, if you think you see something that is dishonoring to Christ, damaging to his Church, or clearly unfaithful to Scripture,  then please comment or send me a private message. I want to be fruitful, though fallible.

I suggest you begin exploring DGO by doing three things:

  1. Subcribe by email: [wysija_form id="1"]
  2. Click “About” on the main menu to read more about me and this website.
  3. Click “Index” for advice on navigating this site most successfully.

And now, I welcome your input. What new content would you like to see on DGO? Please cast your votes below and suggest new ideas.  Vote for as many ideas as you wish. You can vote for each other’s suggestions, too. (This means you may wish to return several days later to cast more votes. Just try not to vote for the same ideas more than once!) I will consider your votes as I design upcoming website content.

For the glory of God alone,
Dwight Gingrich

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  1. God’s blessing was partially hidden in the shape of a shoulder injury which has given me more free time this fall. Isn’t this just like God to bring blessings out of troubles?
  2. For now the only comments guideline I have is the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12). More will be added if I think they would be useful. I reserve the right to delete comments.