Churchfunding Update 11: We Bought a House!
Thanks to God, and thanks to the kind help of God’s people—and that is not mere pious, flowery verbi..
Dwight's Family
Thirty-Three Years: A Life [Poem by Mom]
Have you been impatiently waiting for the monthly poem from my mom? No, we have not forgotten. Here ..
By Elaine Gingrich
Churchfunding Update 10: We Might Have a House!
I’ve been too busy house hunting lately to blog! But it’s high time for a brief update.In short, we ..
Churchfunding Update 9: An Answer to Special Prayer?
On the morning of February 16 I sent out an “invitation to special prayer” regarding our..
Christians and Satire: What Does the Bible Say?
My last post was my first attempt at using satire here on this blog. I received quite a bit of posit..
Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
The RAT: A New Bible Translation for Anabaptists
Anabaptists have not yet come to a consensus on the thorny problem of Bible translations. Now there ..
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
Did Satan Give Super Tuesday to Trump and Clinton? (Luke 4:6)
As I write this post, Trump and Clinton are racking up victories in the race to the White House. As ..
What Jesus Wished He Could Say before He Died (John 16:12)
If you died today, what might you regret you’d left unsaid? Such death-bed regrets are common...
Church Chat [Ecclesiology]
Why Should You Care about Cities? (3/3)
Who you are depends largely on who you have been with. And most of what you know you have learned fr..
Why Should You Care about Cities? (2/3)
Where can you serve God most strategically? This is not always an easy question to answer. There are..