Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
Why Should You Care about Cities? (1/3)
Thanks to God’s unpredictable providence, cities have found a special place in my heart. While..
Dwight's Family
Churchfunding Update 8: An Invitation to Special Prayer
We invite friends near and far to join us in special prayer over the next week, asking God to lead u..
God Bless This Ark; As Arrows from the Hand [Poems by Mom]
Today is Family Day in several Canadian provinces, including my home province of Ontario. On this da..
By Elaine Gingrich
Book Reviews
The Church of Christ — Ferguson (4): Salvation and Church Membership
The third chapter of Everett Ferguson’s book The Church of Christ: A Biblical Ecclesiology for..
A Commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles — Merrill (Review)
Merrill, Eugene H. A Commentary on 1 & 2 Chronicles. (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic, 2015). ..
In Which I Am Surprised to Agree With John Nelson Darby
I just finished a book called The Scofield Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church, ..
Do Non-Christian Jews and Christians Worship the Same God?
Last night I was listening to some US history lectures from The Teaching Company as I drove home thr..
Partly Free [Poem by Mom]
Winter is a time of waiting. True, activity abounds in places as varied as ski hills and bird feeder..
The Church of Christ — Ferguson (3): What Is the Church?
Close your eyes. I will say a word, and you tell me what you see. Ready? “Church.” Hey!..
Peacemaking: The Quiet in the Land Speak Up
[This post was published by the Mennonite World Review on “The World Together Blog.”] Re..