DGO website
“How Do You Know Me?” — Words and Self-Identity
I dedicate this poem to all who have gathered courage to climb a mountain, look out over the world, ..
The Picture Smart Bible and Other Bible Resources for 2016
I just read some news that makes me happy! My cousin Shannon Leibold shared on Facebook that her son..
Book Reviews
Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
Arminians, Calvinists, and Two Theological Terms Worth Chucking
There are real theological differences, and then there are ways we just talk past each other. In thi..
Between Comings (A Poem for Christmas)
This morning when we read the Christmas story we began with the prophet Micah. In Micah’s account, C..
Poetry by Dwight Gingrich
Chronological Bibles — A Buying Guide
Recently a friend invited my advice in selecting a chronological Bible, so I thought I’d share..
The Church of Christ — Ferguson (2): Covenant, Kingdom, Christ
Christmas is a very Old Testament sort of thing, and so is the church. When you read the Christmas s..
The Church of Christ — Ferguson (1): Introduction
One of my primary goals on this blog is to help us think biblically about church. As I seek to grow ..
Downsview Station Jazz Rap [Poem by Mom]
The wonderful thing about having a blog devoted to biblical studies is that you can legitimately inc..
By Elaine Gingrich
Study Resources for Bible Books
Study Resources for John
For those using the CLP Sunday School materials, our next quarter will be devoted to the study of th..
A Traitor Comes to the Table [Poem by Mom]
Someday, we will feast in radiance at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:6-8)! Until then we o..