Church Chat [Ecclesiology]
Ecclesiology of the Reformers (1): Late Middle Ages
I recently finished an excellent book: Theology of the Reformers, by Timothy George (republished in ..
Watching You Watch the Birds [Poem by Mom]
This month I’m sharing a poem that Mom wrote about her first grandson, my nephew Curtis, when he was..
By Elaine Gingrich
Kissing in the First Century: Excerpt from Craig Keener
Conservative Anabaptists are one of the few North American Christian groups to have retained kissing..
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
NIV Turns 50: An Interview with Douglas J. Moo
[Repost and discussion of an interview by Books at a Glance.] One of the wisest things a Bible inter..
Final Surprises about 2014’s Most Popular Verses (Part 3)
This is the third and final post about the Bible verses that were most popular among readers of YouV..
10 Surprises about 2014’s Most Popular Bible Verses (Part 2)
Finally, brothers and sisters… let me share more surprises about 10 of 2014’s most popul..
10 Surprises about 2014’s Most Popular Bible Verses
In 2014, more people read the Bible on electronic devices than ever before. This gives us a clearer ..
5 Ways to Understand the Bible Better in 2015
I just finished reading Revelation, and… I confess I don’t understand it all very well. ..
At Christmastime; Christmas Comes Again [Poems by Mom]
It’s time for more of Mom’s poems. This month I’m sharing two of her Christmas poems. Enjoy!(Tips: R..
Previous Post
Does the Resurrection Matter? (Albert Mast’s Memorial Service)
Two days ago I was privileged to speak at the memorial service of my father-in-law, Albert Mast. Thi..