This month I’m sharing a poem that Mom wrote about her first grandson, my nephew Curtis, when he was about 8 months old. I’ll add a few pictures and then let the poem speak for itself. I think you’ll like this one!
(See here for an introduction to this monthly series from Mom.)
If you enjoy the poem, leave a comment here for Mom, or send her an email at
. Thanks!

(to Curtis)
Who watched when rubies first took wing?
Who gazed attentive, open-mouthed,
As you do at flash of feather,
Swoop and swing,
Your eyes dreamy, wonder-focused,
Face as fluid as first love,
Following dip and dart of winter birds—
Robust redpolls flocking the feeder
Like ruddy-faced farmers at an auction,
Cheeky chickadees in formal attire?
Perhaps an audience of angels,
Abandoning anthem to learn a new roundelay,
Or listening to one of Heaven’s hymns
Transposed into flight of feather, oriole’s melody.
Watching you watch the birds
I see Adam waking,
That first dawning of awareness,
Those first steps taken,
A world to explore,
A Designer to worship.
I am certain that when from God’s fingers
Birds flew
He thought of you,
A small child’s delight, infant’s laughter.
He knew what He was after.
Reflected in your eyes
I see the face of the Creator watching you
Knowing that what He has made is very good.
– By Elaine Gingrich, February 2008
PS: As I’m finishing up this post I just noticed something: By happy coincidence, today is the birthday of Curtis’s dad! Happy birthday, brother! 🙂