Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
Which Came First–Original Sin or Infant Baptism?
I read something this morning that got me thinking again about the question of original sin. (See he..
Book Deals
Kindle Sale: NIV Application Commentaries
The NIV Application Commentary series is on sale on Kindle today! ($4.27-$4.99 each.) Note: Several ..
Church Chat [Ecclesiology]
Should Every Church Gathering Look Like 1 Corinthians 14?
Yesterday a friend of mine1 asked a good question: Is the way you “do church” found in ..
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
On Translation Choices and Pastoral Concerns
This morning I noticed an example of the NIV being very politically correct–or, to be kinder, very p..
Who Judged After Samson? Eli or Samuel?
A friend just asked a question about the upcoming Sunday School lesson (Christian Light Publications..
Should You Keep Your Convictions Secret? (Romans 14:22)
[Editorial comments added Nov. 5, 2014.] While reading through Romans in the NIV this morning I came..
DGO website
What to Expect Next on Dwight Gingrich Online
Well, it’s been just over two weeks since I launched DGO. It’s time to regroup and look ..
“In Adam’s Fall We…?” Inclusion or Imperialism in Romans 5
I’m reading through Romans right now, on target for finishing my through-the-NIV-Bible-in-a-ye..
Can a Hermit Be Humble?
Dwight’s rules about Christian virtues: Be humble about your own virtues. This starts with be..
If You’re Not a Berean, Who Might You Be?
Be a Berean! This is a common encouragement among Bible-loving Christians. But what does this mean? ..