The NIV Application Commentary series is on sale on Kindle today! ($4.27-$4.99 each.) Note: Several volumes were release on Kindle for the first time only about a week ago.

Click here for the sale. [Note: You may need to narrow Amazon search results to “Kindle Store” (select this from the drop-down menu beside the search window). You should find 44 results for this sale.]

Sunday school teachers: Christian Light Publications has us studying Job for two months in January/February. Walton’s commentary might help: [amazon text=Job NIV Application Commentary&asin=0310214424]. (Choose Kindle version for best deal.)

This series is designed to (a) briefly examine the “original meaning” of each passage, (b) identify some “bridging” concepts that connect the original context to today’s world, and (c) suggest some applications that Christians today should be drawing from the passage.

The series is somewhat uneven. It’s rarely the best help for detailed study, and on most Bible books there are other commentaries I like better. But some of the volumes are superb (Guthrie on Hebrews, Jobes on Esther, etc.) , and for the price it’s a great portable library to help you think about Bible interpretation! I had most volumes already and bought more today.

Based on commentary research I did this spring, I know these volumes have been well-received by evangelicals pastors and/or scholars: Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy [very good], Joshua, Judges/Ruth, Samuel, Chronicles, Esther [often called the best conservative commentary on this book], Psalms, Ecclesiastes/S of S, Isaiah [very good], Jeremiah/Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai/Zechariah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, [John’s not rated quite as high but I like it], Romans, 1 Corinthians [but I think he’s very weak on chap. 11], 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians/Philemon, Thessalonians, Hebrews, 2 Peter/Jude, 1/2/3 John, Revelation.

More would be on this list, but are too new to be well-known.

Just to be clear, I am most certainly not recommending these as the last word on every passage! We can learn from imperfect people (like each other) as we compare and test all things.