Today the New American Commentary series is on sale on Kindle, with most volumes for only $2.99 each! I already own multiple volumes in this series and hope to buy more. (I’ve marked with an asterisk* in the list below the ones I already own.)

This series is conservative evangelical in its stance, basically Baptist. It is published by the B&H publishing group (formerly known as Broadman and Holman), who also publishes the Holman Christian Standard Bible. This series is rarely ground-breaking and sometimes too dry or prone to Dispensationalism for my taste. But sometimes a cautious theological approach is exactly what is needed, and this series does include some really excellent volumes.

Here, based on my previous research, are some “must-buy” volumes in this series:

Note: Please double-check prices, as they can fluctuate unpredictably!

Judges, Ruth
1 and 2 Kings
1, 2 Peter, Jude

And here are some more that have been well received:

Genesis*  (I have read these 2 volumes through.)
Exodus*  (I have read this through.)
1 and 2 Samuel (Apparently not available on Kindle)
1 and 2 Chronicles
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah
Haggai, Malachi
Matthew (By Craig Blomberg, a name I value.)
Luke (By Robert Stein, another name I value.)
1 Corinthians* (Too new for many reviews, but I’ve liked  it.)
2 Corinthians*
1, 2, 3 John

For more volumes, click through one of the links above and do an Amazon search.

Once again, prices are fluctuating as I prepare this post, so double-check before you buy to avoid paying full price when you think you are getting a sale price.

For Christ and his Church,

Have you used any of these commentaries? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks!

Disclosure: These are Amazon affiliate links. I will make pennies if you purchase a book! 🙂