Remember the Resurrection, to Keep it Central

Thursday is an excellent day to remember Christ’s resurrection! “The Resurrection changed everything… “If there is a power great enough to bring someone back from the dead, then anything can happen!… “Is it any wonder that the news of the Resurrection became the central message of the newly Spirit-powered Christians…? Is it any wonder that … Continue reading Remember the Resurrection, to Keep it Central

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Does the Resurrection Matter? (Albert Mast’s Memorial Service)

Two days ago I was privileged to speak at the memorial service of my father-in-law, Albert Mast. This was a great honor, and a wonderful opportunity to ponder the life that is ours in Christ Jesus–resurrection already and resurrection not yet! This post will be a bit of a tossed salad, so here’s an ingredient … Continue reading Does the Resurrection Matter? (Albert Mast’s Memorial Service)

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Resurrection Now! Seated with Christ in Heavenly Places

(Old Facebook Post – Slightly edited and shared April 3, 2015) Since I expect to take a blogging holiday this weekend, I thought I’d share a resurrection post now before I leave. If you are troubled by a resurrection post that comes on Good Friday, well, I guess you can stop reading now! Or, better … Continue reading Resurrection Now! Seated with Christ in Heavenly Places

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