Hi friends! Here’s an update about our project to churchfund a house in Atlanta. Thanks for your interest in our move to Atlanta and our house hunt! Feel free to invite others to send a pledge if you think it would bring them joy.
(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please go here and consider getting involved: Churchfunding a House in Atlanta: Official Launch.)
Progress Report
(As of 5:15 a.m. EST, 10/14/2015)
We are over 1/3 of the way to our goal of $80,000!
Total pledged so far: $26,964.55 (after tithe deducted)
Total pledgers: 50 generous friends (12 new in the past 24 hours)
Largest pledge: $3000
Smallest pledge: $75
Average pledge: $547.39
Remember, once we near $60,000 we plan to move ahead with an offer. (Gifts from family that are budgeted for repairs and home furnishings can be temporarily used to help make an offer.) This means we only need 60 more pledgers giving average-sized pledges before we can move ahead. I checked tonight and “the house” is still listed for sale.
Note: Figures here will fluctuate just a little after we know what exchange rate Canadian contributions actually receive.
How You Can Help
- Pray!
- Pledgers, be sure you have emailed all your information to dghousefund@gmail.com. (Your name, pledge amount, mailing address and phone number.)
- Spread the word! Your pledge will help us buy a house only if we find enough funds to move forward.
- If you want to join in, visit Monday’s blog post and send your pledge info to dghousefund@gmail.com. Then join our Facebook group or subscribe to this blog to stay informed. Thanks!
A Story and a Meditation
We are anticipating a visit from one of our pledgers! Someone who offered a $500 gift told us he will be traveling through Iowa next week. “Do you have a pile of musty straw in your barn?” he asked. We might even let him sleep on a mattress in the basement—if he can navigate around all the boxes we’re collecting for moving!
Zonya and I are really humbled to see where some of the pledges are coming from. Those pledging loans and even gifts include full-time missionaries, poor pastors, renters, and friends who are still scraping to make payments on their own houses. Those who know what it is to actively trust God for their needs are often among those who are quickest to give. I could start naming names, but these people probably wouldn’t like it.
Speaking about giving, here is a really good new post from Christy Smucker: How Trust Frees Us To Give. I still have so much to learn.
I’ll end by posting a picture of our new accountant. After just a bit more training on writing dollar signs she’ll be taking over record keeping for your pledges. 🙂

If you have questions or comments, share them below. God bless!
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