Hi friends! This update will be brief, since I need to head off to work.

Progress Report
(As of 8:00 a.m. EST, 10/15/2015)

We are well over 1/3 of the way to our goal of $80,000!

Total pledged so far: $30,414.55 (after tithe deducted)
Total pledgers: 55 generous friends (5 more than the last update)
Largest pledge: $3000
Smallest pledge: $75
Average pledge: $561.26

Remember, once we near $60,000 we plan to move ahead with an offer. So this means we are now half way to making an offer! I checked right now and “the house” is still listed for sale.

And more good news: I just received an offer for our largest pledge yet! I haven’t included it in these figures because I need to confirm that the loan is being offered on the terms of this churchfunding project.

Note: Figures here will fluctuate just a little after we know what exchange rate Canadian contributions actually receive.

How You Can Help

  • Pray for a pledger who is about to lose his job (see below).
  • Pray that God will perfectly control the timing of our move from Iowa to Atlanta, and that we will finish well the work he has for us here before we go.
  • Pledgers, be sure you have emailed all your information to dghousefund@gmail.com. (Your name, pledge amount, mailing address and phone number.)
  • Spread the word! Your pledge will help us buy a house only if we find enough funds to move forward.
  • If you want to join in, visit Monday’s blog post and send your pledge info to dghousefund@gmail.com. Then join our Facebook group or subscribe to this blog to stay informed. Thanks!

One Story

Yesterday we received this note along with one of our pledges (edited to ensure anonymity):

I don’t know you very well and I don’t think you know me, but I’ve been challenged and blessed with your blog writings. I’ve also watched this church funding project with a lot of interest… Currently, I’m working for a company that is not succeeding. It’s been a difficult road with an uncertain future.

Recently, I’ve been fighting a lot of fear as I’ve been told I will be laid off of my job by the end of this month. As of now, I don’t have anything lined up to go to. This a new “financial low” for me that I’ve never experienced before.

This morning God asked me to give $500 towards your church funding project and I confess I argued with God about it. You probably have a good idea of how that argument went. Out of a desire to be obedient to God, I’m pledging $500 towards your house project. I want this to be gift and I don’t want to be paid back.

Please pray for this dear brother! I believe he is a husband and father with several children, so pray for his family as well.

If you have questions or comments, share them below. God bless!

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