“Let Him” Or “If He”? Translating Divorce in Deuteronomy
I learned today that the King James Version has a misleading translation of an important OT passage ..
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
Churchfunding: 2016 Year-End Report
I thought it would be fitting to give a brief year-end report on our house loan repayments. “Fitting..
Dwight's Family
A Library Online–Or At Least Onshelves
A pastor friend just sent me email with a wonderful problem: I’m currently near the beginning of a ..
Book Reviews
Why Do I Believe the Bible? A Short Answer
Today a friend sent me this message: Hi Dwight, got a random question… What would you say are..
Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
Poll: Which Is the Best Hymnal for Mennonites?
Someone gave our little Followers of Jesus Atlanta Church a generous gift for buying hymnals. We are..
Help Us to Not Be Afraid; Winter Birch [Poems by Mom]
Life has been too busy of late for me to blog. Worse, I’m afraid I let my busyness keep me from even..
By Elaine Gingrich
Like Spring [Poem by Mom]
Georgia vines cover our backyard like love covers a multitude of sins. At least that is the natural ..
12 Ways to Provoke Your Children to Anger (Lou Priolo)
Where your children angry today? If so, did you stop to ask why? In your search for a solution, did ..
Spring Leaves in Rain [Poem by Mom]
Mom’s poem this month is too good to miss, even if I’ve left it for the last day of the month. The p..
God’s Word and the Pastor’s Authority (Hebrews 1:1-4)
Pastor, why should anyone listen to your words? What is the basis of your authority? The answer is b..