Dwight's Family
Churchfunding Update 3: Halfway to Making an Offer ($30,415)
Hi friends! This update will be brief, since I need to head off to work. Progress Report (As of 8:..
Churchfunding Update 2: Our New Accountant ($26,965)
Hi friends! Here’s an update about our project to churchfund a house in Atlanta. Thanks for your int..
Churchfunding Update 1: Info for Canadians and More ($20,625)
Hi friends! For the next while I’ll be posting updates here about our experiment in churchfunding mi..
Churchfunding a House in Atlanta: Official Launch
Do you want to help our family buy a house in Atlanta? Thanks to widespread enthusiasm and the suppo..
In Which a Strange Plan Is Hatched on Facebook (News Bulletin)
A lot can happen in three days. Jesus rose again on the third day, you know. And over the last three..
Book Deals
Commentary Sale — New American Commentary Series on Kindle
Today the New American Commentary series is on sale on Kindle, with most volumes for only $2.99 each..
Going Public: Why Baptism Is Required for Church Membership — Jamieson (Review)
Jamieson, Bobby. Going Public: Why Baptism Is Required for Church Membership. (Nashville, TN: B&..
Book Reviews
Jesus in the Room [Poem by Mom]
We all need more love than we deserve. And it is undeserved love that transforms us into who we shou..
By Elaine Gingrich
The Arts, Biblical Theology, and Proof I’m Not a Complete Philistine
My last post generated some helpful feedback about the place of the arts in the Christian life. In t..
Thinking Theology Aloud [Random]
Bible Bites [Exegesis]
The Arts and the Absence of Jesus
I am a house church guy who likes cathedrals. My spiritual forebears in the Reformation include some..